Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Oh, it's good to be home

How was YOUR Thanksgiving vacation/time?? Ours was a most enjoyable time, to be sure! SOO much to be thankful for. While in Louisiana the 10 week countdown officially began. So, now we're at less than 10 weeks before my due date. WOW. I. am. stoked. And I'm having the heartburn to prove it! (as if that really "proves" anything)

Being with the Dodson side of the family this year was a big change. I think it's the first Thanksgiving that I didn't spend with my parents. I was happy it worked out for all the families to (eventually- sorry, Laura!) show up. The Lord was merciful in granting us a safe trip. I ate lots of good food and thoroughly enjoyed spending time with family and watching Mikayla's cousins keep her entertained. PRECIOUS. They were all so kind and patient with her. :)

I'm off to catch up on blogs that I haven't gotten to read in about a week. Now that's a LOT of catching up to do! how fun. Good night, dear friends.


Anonymous said...

Your dear friend loves you! Welcome home. Mingy missed you. Can't wait to see you. Lubs!