Sunday, April 29, 2007

It's week 4!!

Just posting the new running schedule I know you are all waiting to see. First read this:
(I should've posted this last week b/c it refers to weeks 3 and 4. sorry)

"Our bodies have started to understand what we expect of them now. Over the next two weeks, we will start to build the base of distance so that eventually we will be able to speed up. Remember, distance first, then speed. Right now you shouldn't think about how long it takes you to do your run. You should concentrate on breathing slowly, steadily, and deeply. You should think about running lightly; try not to make noise when your feet hit the ground. Pretend you are sneaking up on other runners or walkers. Don't get discouraged about being passed by runners and walkers. You will get faster, but first you have to let your body get comfortable. Build your base. You have to build the foundation of a house before you can live in it. "

That's not MY quote (obviously!!)

Ok, ladies, here it is:

Monday- 1.5 miles (what??!)
Tuesday- rest (ok, that's better)
Wednesday- 1 mile
Thursday- rest
Friday- TWO MILES (where did that come from?!)
Saturday/Sunday- rest one day, 1 mile the other

WHOA!, eh? I feel myself getting stronger. How exciting. I ran my mile today and didn't feel like death was as near as last time.

ps. Tomorrow's my daddy's birthday!!! and my friend Rebekah is being induced and will, Lord willing, have her baby tomorrow. Both need lots of prayer! :)



sarahdodson said...

Grace, don't make fun of me; SOMEbody's gotta be the first commentor.

Jamie, boy that zoo race sounds like fun, eh? :) And to think - maybe you could've won the "coveted ostrich award." hee hee. I think it's wise to choose a 5k for a later date, although I really think you could do it then. Good job, friend!

Jamie Butts said...

Thanks, Sarah. Week 4. I'll be honest. I feel off last week. It's usually more because of scheduling issues than lack of motivation. I only ran the 2 different miles this week, but evenso, I'm hoping to stay with your schedule or at least have it to try and shoot for. Since I didn't follow last week's guide though perfectly, I may have to walk a lap or two. Today, I'm going to run right after school (1.5 - we can do it!) so hopefully I'll survive. :)

Anonymous said...

I guess commenting on your own blog will run up your comment numbers.... Hi! Let's get together today. Good job on the running! Let's go to Riverside. Yahooey, to quote Elmo.(Good job, James!)

Grace said...

hey there girl. i'm so mad at myself for not keeping up with the schedule. the mile hasn't been hard for me at all, but i'm sure the more we have to run, the harder it will be. obviously. i mean that it will be harder to catch up. i'm pretty sure that the 1.5 miles won't be too hard. but the two miles will be a little more difficult. looking forward to it, though. call me sometime. happy birthday dad and brandon? i forget his name. love you.

Jamie Butts said...

Grace, I'm right there with you. Got behind last week and so I'm scared that catching up may get harder even though the mile's not terribly awful at this point. :) Now that we're adding 1.5 or 2, it may be tough. Let me know how it goes. Hang in there. Let's catch up together.

Jamie Butts said...

So, how did ya'll do? The quote actually helped me. Slow and steady... creeping up on moms with strollers. :) I didn't have to walk! But some people probably thought I was walking, I was going so slow. :) The whole thing was really encouraging, but I am glad it is a rest day!

Grace said...

hey jamie. hopefully this week will be more successful than last. so far, so good. last night was my 1.5. it wasn't too hard. i love music so i just turn up my ipod really loudly. looking forward to the 1 mile though. and the 2 mile i'm a little nervous about. but i really enjoy watching the truely athletic people at my gym running and it motivates me. i've got a great setup at my gym so i really have no excuses. except three kids with me at all times. looking forward to friday.

sarahdodson said...

Jamie, thanks for sharing about your running. Good for you! The quote actually helped me, too. ( I should've been posting them from the beginning)

My mile and a half when surprisingly well. I imagine I was going pretty slow, but I finished! Unlike Grace, I don't have music BLARING in my ears- just the sound of my breathing and the lovely sounds of God's creation (when my breathing didn't get in the way! :)

I'm pretty encouraged, ladies, at how well this is going. Thanks for joining me on the journey!

Anonymous said...

I say, with much pride, that, after 6 weeks of total sluglikeness (because of surgery!), I ran .1 mile at one time, and about croaked. I don't think I will be joining you in the race, but I will watch Miggy. Twinges of the plantar fasciitis occurred, which I am not at all interested in reviving, and that with my z-coils on. Rats. Thanks for the encouragement. I will continue walking, though. Lubs!

Jamie Butts said...

So, I thought I had to run 2 miles today and I just got pumped, because I checked here again and it's actually 1. Good news. Headed home to run ONE mile.

Question - Someone update on Baby Brandon. Is he here? Healthy? How's Rebekah?