Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Ok, here goes:

The story behind the picture of the cake. I entered a cake contest for the 3M picnic, and I had the most horrible time making it! It was very ugly (not to mention BROWN) and lop-sided. So Jody comes home (at 11:20) the night before the picnic and says they're grading it on 3 things:

  1. appearance (gulp)
  2. texture
  3. taste

So, I told him to look at the cake and he said, "should we go to Wal-Mart and get more stuff to make another one?" How's that for a little confirmation that I made a less-than-desirable looking cake??

Anyway, needless to say, I didn't place (1st prize- $100 2nd- $50). I didn't want to. Ok, I'm kidding. But the good news is, it got eaten at the picnic and we only brought ONE piece home:) And the moment we walked in the door after the picnic, my sweet Joseph got out a fork and ate the very last piece. What a sweetie!

And we celebrated his first Father's Day. So, here's Baby Girl and her daddy on Father's Day:)


Put Your Faith Back into Action said...

ah well glad he ate he last piece of cake and as well had a good time.