Saturday, May 22, 2010

The birthday t-shirts

As you can see, I ordered 4 different colors of t-shirts with "let us run with patience the race that is set before us" Hebrews 12-1. Instead of putting a colon after the 12, they put a dash. oh well. We like them anyway :o)

We celebrated Jody's birthday by spending the morning/afternoon at Lake Brownwood State Park. We hiked a REALLY fun and challenging trail that took us about an hour to complete. My husband loves to be outdoors and we all enjoyed it tremendously. The weather was perfect- a little overcast and windy, which kept us cool. I needed it b/c I carried our 17.5 pound bundle of love the whole time. A great workout! After the hike, we picnicked by the water. Then we came home and napped. My parents brought supper and gave Jody some Nutella (the BEST!) and a red velvet cake for his birthday. So sweet!

All in all, a most pleasant day was had by all. Thank you, Lord, for my loving/godly/faithful/fun/hard-working husband. I would never be able to show my gratitude for the family you have given me. Thank you.

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Friday, May 21, 2010

It's strawberry time!

This is (most of) our group that went to pick strawberries a few days ago. My son Joseph decided he was not interested in being the pic, and by then, I really didn't care too much. We had a fantastic time picking strawberries and taking pics :o) My husband's birthday is not until Sunday, but we celebrated a little early today. I had some t-shirts (with the latter part of Hebrews 12:1 printed on them)made for him. He really liked them! After a trip to Wal-Mart, I made him a strawberry pie. It turned out SO liquidy, as you can tell from the picture. rats! It tasted pretty good anyway. I love love LOVE my husband, and I thank and praise the Lord for him!
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Jadon joins us!

Our son Jadon is now 5 1/2 months old. He finally decided to join us at the table. It's always a fun and momentous time when that happens. Mikayla gave him his first few bites of cereal and, of course, loved it. What a PRECIOUS son Jadon is. The more kids I have, the more I fall in love with them. Being a mommy is wonderful :o)
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Sunday, May 16, 2010

totally in LOVE

My sister and brother-in-law are loviest (??) couple EVER. I had a photo shoot this weekend with their family, and it was lots of fun! The kids might have a different take on it altogether. They didn't seem to enjoy it as much. ha!! I found a great, new location :o) I might post more pics from the shoot, but I had to make a collage of this dear-to-my-heart couple.
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